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Terms and conditions of enrolment

Please read the following terms and conditions that govern your enrolment with North Metropolitan TAFE.


Student code of conduct

The Student Code of Conduct defines what is required of students with regard to student academic integrity and personal behaviour, what constitutes misconduct and the sanctions that can be imposed.

I agree to comply with the Student Code of Conduct and acknowledge that a breach of the Code may result in suspension or expulsion from North Metropolitan TAFE.


State funded places are available only to permanent residents and holders of select visa subclasses. Non-residents must pay commercial fees. If on a student visa, you must apply through TAFE International WA (TIWA).

Provision of information

I will obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI) and provide this to North Metropolitan TAFE. I will provide statistical information as requested as part of my enrolment and understand that should I not provide this information that my enrolment may be cancelled. I will keep my personal information up to date while I have an active course enrolment.

Centrelink allowances

I understand that if I am in receipt of a Youth Allowance or Austudy/Abstudy, I must maintain a full-time study load to remain eligible for these payments. I agree to advise Centrelink immediately if I: amend or reduce my enrolled hours; change my course of study; stop studying; commence employment; change hours of work or employment income; or change address.

More information can be found on the Department of Human Services website at Services Australia.

Payment of fees

I understand that I am required to pay my fees in full at the time of enrolment OR enter into a payment plan arrangement OR commit to a VET Student Loan (only available on selected qualifications at Diploma level or above). Visit our Fees and payments page for more information.

If I have entered into a payment plan, which is a legally binding agreement with North Metropolitan TAFE, I am required to have sufficient funds to pay the agreed instalments on the due date. Defaulting on my instalments / payments will result additional penalties being charged. Arrangements must be made to pay outstanding instalments to avoid access to North Metropolitan TAFE services being cancelled. I understand that should I default on my payment the matter will be referred to a debt collection agency.

If I enrol in a unit that I have previously passed I understand that I will be charged at a fee-for-service rate.

If my employer or another third party agency has nominated to pay my fees, they are required to complete an Authority to Invoice.

North Metropolitan TAFE will invoice my employer/third party directly for the fees. I understand, however that I accept full responsibility and am liable for the payment of all fees and charges relating to my enrolment at North Metropolitan TAFE should the employer or third party decide not to pay.  

Parking permit fees are applicable at Joondalup, McLarty, Balga and Midland campuses and further information is available from the Student Service counters of these campuses. Should an ambulance be called to assist me whilst on North Metropolitan TAFE grounds I acknowledge that I am responsible for all associated costs.

Class options

North Metropolitan TAFE reserves the right to;

  1. Cancel classes if there is insufficient student numbers enrolled.  Where this occurs prior to course commencement a full refund of monies paid will be provided.
  2. Combine classes of a similar nature where insufficient student demand occurs through the course.
  3. Offer alternative delivery options if possible (such as online or workplace learning) if a class cannot run due to insufficient numbers.

If I choose not to continue with my studies I understand that I must formally withdraw in writing or in person at a Student Services counter. Until I withdraw from the unit/course, I understand that my enrolment remains active and I will receive a re-enrol result if I do not formally withdraw.

Please note Prior to withdrawing North Metropolitan TAFE encourages you to speak with your lecturer, Head of Programs or Student Services Officer to ensure that withdrawal is the right option for you. We have a range of support services to assist you during your studies.


A full refund is granted if a course or unit is cancelled or rescheduled to a time unsuitable to the student OR a student is not given a place due to maximum number of places being reached OR other circumstances as determined by North Metropolitan TAFE.

VET students who withdraw formally on or before the census date for their unit/s will receive a full refund of the course fee for the unit/s and:

  • 50% refund of the resource fee if the unit/s are Certificate I to IV
  • A full refund of the resource fee if the unit/s are Diploma or Advanced Diploma.

If entitled to a refund, payments already made will be reimbursed or the corresponding debt will be remitted if on VET FEE HELP or VET Student Loans. No incidental fees are refunded.

Important Please review your enrolment and be aware of the census date for your unit/s.

The above refund policy does not apply to commercial or short courses, commercial fee visa subclass students or International students. See the North Metropolitan TAFE Refund Policy.

Transperth SmartRider

I understand that only full-time students as defined below are eligible for a tertiary SmartRider concession.

For Tertiary Concessions, Transperth has adopted the Department of Human Services definition of a full-time student and will provide tertiary concession to a student if:

  • The course is determined to be full-time by North Metropolitan TAFE, and
  • The student is doing at least 75% of the full-time load, or
  • North Metropolitan TAFE has not defined a full-time workload and the student has at least 15 hours a week of face-to-face classes at the tertiary institution.

In addition, Transperth requires the student to be attending a course of at least six weeks duration. Apprentices and trainees that only attend one day a week and have an earning capacity do not qualify.


If a student does not meet the above requirements then they will not be eligible for a tertiary concession.

I consent to North Metropolitan TAFE providing my personal details and full time enrolment status to the Public Transport Authority.

I understand that Transperth concessions will apply based on my course start date and duration, and that if my enrolment status changes due to a partial or full withdrawal, my SmartRider concession will be adjusted accordingly.

I acknowledge that North Metropolitan TAFE reserves the right to withhold Tertiary SmartRider concession prices from students who have failed to pay outstanding fees and/or have been suspended for breach of the Student code of conduct.


I agree to access my student results via the student management system and understand that results will not be given over the phone. I acknowledge that if I have enrolled in assessable units or examinable subjects and do not complete the assessment requirements I will receive a re-enrol result.


If I require an official copy of my results before completing my course, I can request a copy by completing the on-line form Request your Award Diploma | Certificate | North Metropolitan TAFE.

I will ensure my personal details are up-to-date including my name, address and contact information before I complete my qualification. 

My award will be posted to me soon after I complete the final units required for the qualification and I will receive an email to advise me of this.

Admission and enrolment refusal

I acknowledge that if:

  • I have not paid my course fees in full
  • I have breached the Student Code of Conduct
  • I do not provide a valid USI 
  • I have outstanding results for units of competency that are pre-requisites for the next stage of the course 
  • The NMTAFE Governing Council refuses my enrolment

that I may not be permitted to re/enrol in further units of study.

NMTAFE Policies

I understand that NMTAFE has various policies, procedures and other important documents outlining what I can expect from NMTAFE, and in turn, what conduct NMTAFE expects from me. 


NMTAFE may disclose your personal information to Australian Government agencies, including Services Australia, where this is required or authorised by Australian law.

Information about your enrolment with us may be disclosed if you are claiming or receiving a payment from Services Australia.  You are still required to notify Services Australia of any change in circumstances that may affect your payment.  Personal information disclosed to Services Australia is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. More information about the way Services Australia handles personal information can be found on their Privacy webpage.

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, NMTAFE is also required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form and your training activity data) may be used or disclosed by NMTAFE for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. NMTAFE may disclose your personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:

  • School – if you are a secondary student undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship;
  • Employer – if you are enrolled in training paid by your employer;
  • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies;
  • NCVER;
  • Organisations conducting student surveys; and
  • Researchers.

Personal information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

  • Issuing a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification, and populating Authenticated VET Transcripts;
  • Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;
  • Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
  • Administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

You may receive an NCVER student survey which may be administered by an NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor. You may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at

  1. I have read and understood these obligations and conditions governing my enrolment at North Metropolitan TAFE; and certify that all information provided is true and accurate; and agree to abide by the above conditions, the college’s By-laws, policies and the Student Code of Conduct.
  2. I declare that the information I have provided to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. I understand it is an offence to give incorrect residency, identity or USI details to access a State funded place.
  3. I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice above.
  4. I have read the information on the NMTAFE website regarding refunds and understand the refund policy. I acknowledge that, subject to the Refund Policy, if I am on a payment plan that I may be liable for unpaid fees even if I withdraw.
  5. I grant permission for NMTAFE, the Department of Training & Workforce Development and the WA Government to use testimonials, photography and videography in which I (or my work) might appear for the purpose of printed and online marketing communications. I understand that if I do not want this to occur, I need to advise at that time.