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Students under 18 years of age

Important information concerning students under 18 years of age

North Metropolitan TAFE is an adult learning environment with a focus on developing skills to the standard required in the workplace. It is important for parents, guardians and minors to be aware of the differences between school and TAFE and understand the requirements and expectations when considering enrolling at TAFE.

Students attending North Metropolitan TAFE are expected to be aware of and comply with the relevant institute policies, procedures and instructions and to behave in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Further information

At North Metropolitan TAFE, students aged less than 18 years of age may be in classes with adult students. They may also be required to work on projects together both in and out of class, and to share College facilities such as the library, canteen and computer labs with adult students.

Course hours include a wide range of delivery and assessment activities and may not always be used for classroom teaching. Learning activities may include flexible delivery, online learning, group work, seminars, research, industry placement, fieldwork, etc.

Students are responsible for their own learning and they are expected to manage their workload, seeking assistance from lecturers when needed.

When accepting an offer to study at North Metro TAFE, underage students will need to provide parent or guardian details, and the parents or guardians will need to complete and sign the Consent and school aged declaration.  

Each new course enrolment will require the completion of additional parental consent until the student turns 18.

This declaration is used by North Metropolitan TAFE in place of the Department of Education’s Notice of Arrangements form.

Orientation is compulsory for most courses and, if this is run as a separate session to normal classes, your child will be advised of the date and time. We strongly advise students to attend Orientation so they receive all relevant information, course outlines and study plans. 

Your child’s timetable will be available online via their Office 365 account once the course commences. Parents should discuss access to view the scheduled class times with their child. Any concerns regarding your child’s course and timetable can be discussed with the course coordinator or Head of Programs for your child’s course.  Please contact Client Services at your child’s campus to obtain their contact details.

There may be lengthy breaks between classes, days when no classes are scheduled and varying class times and so students are expected to manage their unscheduled time themselves in a way that optimises their learning experience.

In the event that classes are cancelled, North Metropolitan TAFE staff will endeavour to inform the students prior to attendance; however, this isn't always possible. The College does not provide alternative study options if a class is cancelled.

Students are not supervised when day classes finish prior to the scheduled time. However, lecturers will remain in class with students until the scheduled finish time if a night class finishes early, unless the student has a suitable arrangement in place to travel home or the parent/guardian consent to release the student has been sought beforehand.

Parents/guardians are responsible for their child's travel arrangements to and from North Metropolitan TAFE, and between campuses if the course is delivered across more than one campus.

Attendance is recorded in every class. If your child is absent from a scheduled on campus class you will be notified within three (3) working days of the absence. Please ensure your contact details are kept current by notifying Client Services at your child’s campus or you will not receive these notifications.

If your child is undertaking an apprenticeship you will not be notified of their absence, instead, the College will inform their employer of the absence.

If your child withdraws from the course or their participation is not satisfactory you will be informed as well as the Department of Education.

North Metropolitan TAFE will provide parents/guardians with information on excursions prior to the event and written parental consent will be sought for students under 18 to participate in any excursions away from college premises.

If parental consent is not given, your child will not be able to attend the excursion and North Metropolitan TAFE will not provide an alternative supervised activity.

Students may be required to make their own way to excursions in these situations; you will be responsible for organising transport to and from excursions for your child.

Students who are struggling with their studies should talk to their lecturer as soon as possible. Lecturers will involve parents/guardians in their discussions if required.

Students with a diagnosed disability, medical or mental health condition can register with the Accessibility and learning support team. This service if free, confidential and voluntary, and assists students with different aspects of their student life to ensure they are provided with equal opportunities and access to education and training.

NMT students may also access counselling, wellbeing or mental health support from a range of external service providers. NMT lecturers and staff may suggest these services if appropriate.

Note that some of these services are confidential and may be accessed without parent/guardian involvement.

Further information and contact details can be found on the Accessibility and learning support page.

North Metropolitan TAFE strives to provide an environment that supports the health and wellbeing of all of our students by:

  • Following the relevant OSH policy, guidelines and practices.
  • Providing first-aid assistance to students.
  • Providing assistance and if necessary arrange for qualified medical personnel in case of an emergency.
  • Promoting a friendly and inclusive environment where bullying and any form of harassment are not accepted. Any student experiencing bullying or harassment of any kind should inform a North Metropolitan TAFE staff member immediately.
  • Ensuring all relevant staff have a Working with Children Check, subject to the Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004.
  • Implementing the Emergency Response Plan in case of an emergency.
  • Ensuring the parent/guardian is contacted if a child is seriously injured.

Students are not covered for Personal Accident whilst on campus. However, North Metropolitan TAFE holds cover with the Insurance Commission of WA (RiskCover) that provides Personal Accident cover for students who are undertaking unpaid work experience, allocated or arranged by North Metropolitan TAFE. 

Personal Accident cover is also extended to those students attending any official college camp, excursion, trip or other similar activity (excluding sports days other than interstate sporting events, carnivals or national championships), which is approved and organised by North Metropolitan TAFE.

The onus is placed on the parents regarding whether they arrange their own Personal Accident insurance or private health cover for their child. It is strongly recommended that all students obtain personal insurance and ambulance cover.