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How to pay

While the State Government subsidises Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Western Australia, as a student you are required to contribute toward the cost of your training.

You must pay the required fees or enter into a fee payment arrangement as soon as you receive your enrolment estimate in order to enrol and secure your place in the course. Enrolments will not be processed for students who make a payment once the course is full, even if they have received an enrolment estimate — North Metropolitan TAFE reserves the right to reject enrolments in a course once it is full.

Types of fees

At North Metropolitan TAFE, two types of fees may be charged:

  • Course or Tuition fees - set by the State Government and calculated on the category of enrolment.
  • Resource fees - covers materials purchased by North Metropolitan TAFE which will be consumed or transformed by students in the course of instruction, such as workshop materials and workbooks.

In addition to these fees, students may need to purchase textbooks, uniforms and other course specific equipment.

The Department of Training and Workforce Development is the State Government department responsible for Western Australia’s Vocational Education and Training Fees and Charges Policy (624 KB) (PDF document). The policy contains an explanation of the full schedule of student course fees and charges for State Funded enrolments.

For further information about the way that the State Government funds training in WA, please visit the Jobs and Skills WA website.

How much will I pay?

An indicative fee is published on each course page as a guide for students.  These fees are a summary of total cost for students in state-subsidised courses.

Fees for only the units you enrol in are paid at enrolment. Most units are semester-long (six months) and students will be required to enrol each semester if their course is longer than six months.

Students who are not eligible to take up a subsidised (State Funded) place may be given the option of paying commercial fees. These are referred to as a commercial enrolment. Concessions and fee caps do not apply to commercial enrolments.

Students are entitled to a concession if they are enrolled in a Certificate level course, OR are enrolled in one of the Diploma/Advanced Diploma level courses that are part of the Lower fees, local skills program (see Half price course list)

AND hold, or are a dependent of a person who holds, any of the following:

  • A current Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card;
  • A current Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veteran's Affairs;
  • A current recipient of AUSTUDY, ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance; or,
  • A current recipient of JobSeeker
  • Secondary school aged persons (in 2025, eligible students will be born on or after 1 July 2007 and must be at least 15 years old and not enrolled at school).

Students eligible for a concession will pay 30% of the Tuition fee rate. No concession is given for Resource fees.

To claim the concession rate the student must present a valid concession within the semester they are enrolled in. To be considered valid, the start date of the concession must be on or before the date the course commences. If your concession start date does not meet this criteria, you will not be eligible for concession fees, as per the Department of Training and Workforce Development’s VET Fees and Charges policy (624 KB) (PDF document).

Concession does not apply for the following:

  • Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses not on the Half price course list
  • Foundation skills courses
  • Commercial students
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Please complete the Student concession and school age cap form to upload your proof of concession. Provided you are eligible, you will receive a new enrolment estimate at the concession rate. On the enrolment estimate, this is indicated by a “Conc” description in each unit’s Tuition fee line.

There is a cap on the fees you pay.

Secondary school aged concession and fee cap

In 2025, there is a cap of $420 per calendar year for students born on or after 1 July 2007, who are at least 15 years old, not enrolled at secondary school, and who undertake training that is not part of a VET in Schools program.

Resource fees are not included in the annual cap and will need to be paid in addition to the capped tuition fee.

Please complete the Student concession and school age cap form to have the cap and concession applied.

Please note

  • The fee cap does not apply to Recognition of Prior Learning or commercial courses
  • Resource fees are not included in the annual cap and will need to be paid in addition to the capped Tuition fees

Lower fees, local skills reduced fee courses

From 2021 select courses are being offered with reduced fees under the Lower fees, local skills program. These courses are offered at a lower rate for all students, with Tuition fees capped at $1200 per course in a calendar year.

Lower fees, local skills courses are offered at a further reduced rate for valid concession holders. Tuition fees for concession holders will be capped at $400 per course in a calendar year.

Please complete the Student concession and school age cap form to upload your proof of concession. Provided you are eligible, you will receive a new enrolment estimate at the concession rate. On the enrolment estimate, this is indicated by a “Conc” description in each unit’s tuition fee line.

Students who are aged 15-24, are also entitled to the $400 tuition fee capping.

Please note  The discounted rates apply to Tuition fees only — you may be required to pay Resource fees in addition to the $400.00. On the enrolment estimate, Resource fees have the Fee Name of "Res".

Other course caps and information

Tuition fees for Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses will not exceed $7,860 per course in a calendar year.

Resource fees are not included in the annual cap and will need to be paid in addition to the capped Tuition fee.

When a student is eligible for both concession and fee cap, the concession is calculated first and the fee cap is applied on the concession fee.

Please note All these caps apply to Priority Industry Qualifications, General Industry Training, apprenticeships and traineeships and Foundation Skills courses, and to concessional and non-concessional students. These caps do not include fees for Recognition of Prior Learning or commercial courses.

Payment options

Fees are charged for every unit that the student enrols in each semester. North Metropolitan TAFE offers a range of payment options to help you with your student fees.

Please note courses may become full at any point, and an offer does not guarantee a place. A payment option must be actioned within 5 days of receiving the enrolment estimate.

Late payment may result in the enrolment being denied.

Planning to pay in full by credit card?
Fast-track your enrolment by using your unique BPoint payment link, found on your Enrolment Estimate. This is allows you to pre-fill your details and make payment online using credit or debit cards (Visa and MasterCard only).

This payment option is for course fees only. If you wish to make partial payment you will need to set up a payment plan (see the Pay by Instalments tab for details).
Payment must be made within 5 days of receiving the enrolment estimate. Late payment may result in the enrolment being denied.

You will need to enter your Student ID number (found on the top of your enrolment estimate). If you enter your Student ID incorrectly or not at all, your enrolment will be delayed.

An initial payment is required before a payment plan can be set up. This can be paid via our bpoint facility (course fees only), by providing credit card details on the form or attending a Student Services counter at one of our campuses. The payment must be made within 2 working days of receiving the enrolment estimate. Late payment may result in the enrolment being denied.

The initial payment will be 10% of your total quoted fees for the semester or $50 for courses with fees lower than $500.  

Students wishing to pay by instalments enter into a legally binding contract with North Metropolitan TAFE to pay their fees by the agreed dates.

Payment plans are by fortnightly instalment, collected by PaySmart via direct debit from a bank account or credit card. Payments will commence on Friday, one fortnight after your initial payment is made, and will be scheduled to finish no later than the end of the study period or semester.

Students are encouraged to set up their payment plan early to ensure smaller repayment amounts and maximise their time to pay off their fees.

To set up an instalment plan, complete a PaySmart Request Form (470 KB) (PDF document) and email it to indicating your campus in the email subject line, or lodge the completed form in person at Student Services. Please ensure the form is signed by the account holder.

Students under 18 must have their request signed by a parent/guardian.

If you do not meet the agreed terms of payment, your payment plan will be cancelled and your enrolment suspended. Unpaid fees will be referred to a debt collector.


Eligible students of Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications can opt to defer the payment of all or part of their fees by applying for a Commonwealth VET Student Loan.

Please note
VET Student Loans and FEE-HELP Loans will not be approved for students who do not meet eligibility requirements.

Under these loan schemes, the Australian Government pays your fees directly to North Metropolitan TAFE on your behalf. You then repay the loan through the tax system when your income exceeds the minimum repayment threshold.

VET Student Loans give rise to a debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply on our VET Student Loans page.

If your employer or another third party agency, has nominated to pay your fees, they are required to complete an Invoice Authorisation form or provide a Purchase Order to

North Metropolitan TAFE will invoice the employer directly for the fees; however, it is important to understand that students still accept full responsibility for the payment of all fees and charges relating to their enrolment at North Metropolitan TAFE.

Please note To take up this payment option, you must provide a completed Invoice Authorisation form. If the third party is only paying some of your fees, you must arrange payment of the balance when submitting the third party purchase order or invoice authorisation, and you will not be enrolled until you do so.

If you have a debt from the previous semester, you will not be able to enrol.

Please contact Student Services to arrange payment.