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Safety, health and security

The safety and health of our staff and students is our number one priority. We promote best practice in safety and health in all our activities so that staff and students can carry out their work and studies in a safe and healthy environment.

Duty of care

In addition to the polices and procedures that staff follow to keep themselves and students safe, students also share a responsibility for the safety and health of themselves and others. Your legal ‘duty of care’ will also carry through to workplaces and become part of your everyday work practices.

Duty of care requires that you:

  • Make yourself aware of the relevant policies, procedures and instructions
  • Comply with these policies, procedures and instructions
  • Take reasonable care of yourself and others in the workplace by being aware of the effects of your actions
  • Cooperate with staff so they are able to carry out their duties under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020
  • Report all known or observed hazards, incidents and injuries.

The following information is an introduction to how you can contribute to the safety and health of yourself and others while you are here.

For further information, or if in doubt, please speak to your lecturer.

Please remember

If you see something that you think could harm yourself or others tell somebody about it. This could be your lecturer, another staff member or Security, but please do not ignore it.

Personal safety and security

Remember to never leave your wallet, bag or purse or other items of property unsecured and unattended. Clearly marking your property leaves no doubt to ownership (especially expensive text books you need for study).

Speak to your lecturer if you would like to learn more about practical tips to ensure your own personal safety and security.

You should report suspicious behaviour and all incidents, including minor thefts, vandalism or graffiti to Security [for Perth (Northbridge) campuses, 9427 1111 ], your lecturer or any staff member.

Be aware of flyers and posters displayed on noticeboards.

Students are warned to be vigilant when responding to flyers on noticeboards. Be particularly aware of a flyer with offers for 'Jobs for Girls' for promotion work.

Concerned? Have a chat to Security at your campus or your lecturer.


All campuses have emergency procedures for managing situations that may require evacuation of a building, including evacuation alarm systems and fire suppression sprinkler systems. You should learn the evacuation procedure for your campus. Evacuation plans, assembly areas and instructions on evacuation routes are located on floor plans located near each class. If in doubt ask your lecturer.

Upon hearing the evacuation alarm, all students must stop what they are doing and follow the instructions given by the Wardens  or any staff member who may be directing the response to an alarm. Wardens will be easily recognisable by their coloured hard hats.

If the alert siren sounds:

  • If safe to do so, switch off all computers, printers, or electrical appliances and any ignition sources
  • Close all windows and doors
  • Gather your personal belongings in preparation to evacuate the building on instruction from the fire warden.
  • Organise/ help others in the room.

When the evacuation siren sounds:

  • Go to the nearest fire exit as directed by the Fire Warden. DO NOT RUN
  • Only take your personal belongings
  • Do not use lifts or telephones
  • Advise a warden or lecturer of any injured persons as soon as possible
  • Any person with a mobility disability (e.g. person in a wheelchair) in a multi-storey building should remain in a designated stair well (which are fire safe) with a volunteer helper, if possible. Emergency services personnel, or a trained staff member using an evacuation chair, will transport a person with a mobility disability from the building. Students should not attempt to bring wheelchairs downstairs or attempt to use the evacuation chairs unless trained.
  • When you get outside, go to the nominated assembly area and remain in class groups so the lecturer can check you prescence.
  • Do not remove or use vehicles on campus grounds during evacuations until an all clear is given.

What to do if you discover a suspicious object:

  • Any suspicious item(s) must be reported to Security [for Perth (Northbridge) campuses, 9427 1111 ], your lecturer or to a staff member as soon as possible.
  • Items of a suspicious nature may include unclaimed bags or packages or items emitting a peculiar odour or noise.
What to do in emergency situations after 5:00pm

If you discover a fire or other emergency after 5:00pm:

  • Raise the alarm by contacting Security [for Perth (Northbridge) campuses, 9427 1111 ], your lecturer or any staff member.
  • If all else fails call Fire and Emergency Services (0) 000
  • Break a fire ‘break glass’ alarm if one is nearby
  • Alert other staff and students in the area
  • Evacuate through the nearest safe exit and proceed to the designated assembly area and remain with your class group until given directions by the security guard or your lecturer
  • Advise Security or a lecturer where any impaired person may be waiting for assistance.
First aid

North Metropolitan TAFE maintains a network of staff who are trained and registered as First Aid Officers (Security guards are also trained as First Aid Officers).

If you are in need of first aid, please advise your lecturer or a staff member so that the nearest First Aid Officer can be contacted and if necessary call an ambulance on 000.  (Security Guards will assist if no First Aid Officer can be contacted/located).

What do you do if someone appears sick or injured?

Make sure the immediate area is safe – do not put yourself or anyone else in danger.

Advise your lecturer or a staff member so that the nearest First Aid Officer can be contacted and if necessary call an ambulance on 000  (Security Guards will assist if no First Aid Officer can be contacted/located).

If the injury appears serious, the person should not be moved, the First Aid Officer should attend to the person at the site of the accident. Stay with the sick or injured person if possible.

Reporting an accident or incident

If you have an accident that requires medical attention on the campus, please report it to your lecturer or supervisor as soon as possible, so that appropriate medical attention is called. All accidents and incidents must be reported using the North Metropolitan TAFE Incident Report Form, which is available from your lecturer or any staff member.

Ambulance cover

In the event of a student requiring emergency medical treatment, we have a duty of care to call an ambulance. As we do not cover the cost of the ambulance or medical expenses, it is strongly recommended that all students obtain personal insurance and ambulance cover. Students are not covered for Personal Accident whilst on campus.

Safety and health while on formal work experience

When on organised Work Experience, the employer holds the duty of care for your safety and health.

Insurance cover

We hold an insurance policy providing ‘Personal Accident for students undertaking Work Experience’.  

To be eligible, the work experience must be authorised by NMTAFE; and be a requirement of the curriculum of the course of study being undertaken, be off campus; and the student must not receive any form of remuneration or benefit from the Placement Host.

The cover is limited to out of pocket expenses after Medicare and/or private health rebates.

If you have any insurance concerns regarding coverage whilst on work experience please contact your lecturer.

Drugs and alcohol on campus

Students should inform themselves about the effect of alcohol and other drugs on their ability to work and study safely.

Staff and students must not attend classes or other activities while intoxicated by alcohol or other drugs. Consumption of alcohol on our premises, other than at an authorised function, is prohibited. No person under the age of 18 may consume alcohol on North Metropolitan TAFE premises under any circumstances.

Staff and students must also ensure that their ability to work safely or carry out North Metropolitan TAFE related activities are not affected, as a result of any medication they may be taking (including non-prescription).

Staff or students should inform either their manager or lecturer of the effects of the medication before commencing work or classes. It may be appropriate for the person to provide some means of verification as to the side-effects of the medication, such as a medical certificate, if medication is to be taken over an extended period of time.

Smoking on college premises

North Metropolitan TAFE has a ‘Smoke Free Workplace Policy’ (including vaping and e-cigarettes) which precludes anyone from smoking while on our grounds or in our vehicles. This includes the areas immediately outside entrances to the campus buildings. “No Smoking” signs have been installed around NMTAFE buildings and grounds and must be obeyed at all times. Offenders may face disciplinary action.

Personal protective equipment

Students must wear personal protective equipment and clothing when required to do so in designated work areas. As a minimum, students must, at all times, wear footwear appropriate and suitable to the area of study or work or industry-standard while on campus, or whilst engaged in activity off campus.

Please remember

If you see something that you think could harm yourself or others tell somebody about it. This could be your lecturer, another staff member or Security, but please do not ignore it.

Emergency response plans

We are committed to providing a safe environment for staff and students.

However, North Metropolitan TAFE recognises the possibility of a critical incident or disaster occurring without notice.

In the event of a critical incident, there are a number of people who have been trained to act as Critical Incident Response Team members at each campus who will ensure fast and appropriate assistance is provided.

To ensure that we have effective procedures for all situations which may lead to unplanned disruptive incidents or unintended harm to person, property or the environment, emergency response plans have been created. These plans are specific to each campus and detail the action to be taken should a critical incident occur.

For further information please contact us

 1300 300 822

    Online enquiry